Motorcycle Crashes Carry a Higher Risk of Amputation

David HoltSamantha Cohn
Legally Reviewed By
Stephen M. Smith
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Few injuries are more life-changing than amputations. Although any type of motor vehicle accident carries an amputation risk, this is considerably higher among motorcyclists whose limbs are nor afforded the protection of a metal frame.

When riders crash at a high speed, they may lose a limb. Their legs are particularly vulnerable. A traumatic amputation is the loss of a limb in a violent impact. This is a very serious accident and the high loss of blood at the accident scene means it’s vital to get medical attention as soon as possible.

In other cases, a limb may be so badly damaged in a motorcycle crash in Virginia that surgeons have to amputate later.

If you lose a limb, your life changes overnight. Your mobility is curtailed and you may not be able to do the same job you had before an accident. You will often have to learn how to use a prosthetic limb. It’s important to hold the driver who caused the amputation accident responsible in a lawsuit.


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Why Are Amputations a Greater Risk for Motorcyclists?

Motorcyclists’ legs and arms are very vulnerable. If they crash they are likely to fall off their bikes and make contact with the road. In some cases, vulnerable riders are hit by other cars and trucks as they lie in the highway.

When a rider’s legs scrape along the road, his or her injuries are often very serious. That’s why it’s important to wear protective clothing. Always wear leathers or other clothing that meets safety standards. During the summer, we often see riders wearing shorts, flip flops and other inappropriate clothing. What you wear can protect you from painful injuries like road rash and amputations.

In recent years more middle-aged riders have bought motorcycles and are on the roads of Virginia as the baby boomer generation invests in bikes. They are more vulnerable to serious injuries if they are involved in crashes. Research suggests more riders are losing limbs in wrecks.

In 2008, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration published a paper entitled Lower-Extremity Injuries in Motorcycle Crashes.

The report noted an increase in motorcycle wrecks with injuries from 1997 to 2006. The number of riders involved in crashes increased by 61 percent from 1997 to 2006.

The report found riders involved in crashes sustain more leg injuries. Bone fractures are the most common type of injuries  compared to soft tissue injuries. Overall, an estimated 81 percent of motorcyclists with isolated lower-extremity injuries were discharged home following acute hospital care.  

Virginia recorded spikes in fatal and serious motorcycle crashes in recent years. In 2018, 88 riders died in the Commonwealth. The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles stated 629 motorcycle riders suffered from serious injuries. In all there were 1,792 crashes involving motorcycles, making up 1.4% of all crashes. However, motorcycle wrecks comprised 8.5% of all serious injuries and 10.7% of all traffic deaths.

Call a Virginia Motorcycle Injury Lawyer After an Amputation Accident

Amputations are extremely serious and debilitating injuries. People who lose a limb often feel depressed and helpless and face a long struggle to come to terms with their disability. At the Smith Law Center, we are aware of everything you go through. We are aware motorcycle accidents carry a higher rate of amputation. Our experienced Virginia trial lawyers will fight to get you the justice you deserve. We have won many $1 million-plus settlements and verdicts. Please see our injury results page.

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